elephants are an important national asset critical
to sustaining a functional ecosystem in the dry lands of Kenya and are an
essential draw for tourism.

Former president Moi, in July 1989 set
flame to 12 tonnes of illegal ivory stockpiles intercepted from poachers or
smuggled from border entry points in what came to be known as the Ivory
Bonfire. The war against this poaching is still far from being won, perhaps
because humans fail to understand that elephants should not only be conserved
because of tourism, but also because elephants, like any other of creation,
deservedly need to co-exist with man for their many obvious importance. Indeed,
different ecologists and conservationists have arguably asserted that a live
elephant is 76 times worth than a dead one. This mantra holds every relevance.
But exactly what are the impediments
to elephants' conservation in Kenya?
Threats facing Kenya’s elephant
populations differ across the country.
• Kenya’s major forest populations of
Mt Kenya, Aberdares, Shimba Hills and Mt Elgon are at present not threatened by
poaching. The greatest threats to these populations come from conflict with
surrounding communities, encroachment of human settlement and agriculture,
habitat loss and changing land uses. These populations are becoming
increasingly isolated; former migratory routes have been cut-off by human
settlement and local communities have cultivated adjacent to the forest
• Land-use changes pose a threat to
the Mara and Amboseli elephant populations. The Maasai pastoralists have
adopted a more sedentary way of life and recent expansion of large- scale
farming has reduced the elephant range. Both of these populations are
relatively secure from poaching at present, this is as a result of a
combination of factors including high tourism, presence of resident researchers
and a buffer zone provided by the surrounding Maasai communities.
• In Kenya’s northern and Tsavo populations,
poaching has increased over the last 2-3 years. The situation of elephants in
these areas has become more precarious with banditry that has increased over
the last few years and with this has come an upsurge in the level of poaching.
Elephant population is dwindling, and
at a very alarming rate.
With or without commensurate
government action against this prohibitive elephant poaching, all is not lost,
because Kenya is one of the best destinations in the world to grace these
mammoth wildlife. Did you know these 7 great spots in Kenya that are home to
herds of thousands of elephants in Kenya?
Tsavo East and
West National Park

Samburu and
Laikipia Eco-system

Mt. Kenya
National Park and Reserve

Masai Mara
National Reserve
Much has been said of the Masai Mara,
because it is ostensibly the only easily accessible and widely
ecosystem in the world. It is the land of Big Cat Diary and Disney's African
Cats and the location of the Great Migration, the eighth natural wonder of the
world. It is speckled with gloriously beautiful, wildlife-rich savanna
landscape. The short grass savannahs of the Mara River basin, between the Loita
Hills in the east and the Oloololo Escarpment in the west, hundreds of big-manned
lions, cheetahs, leopards, spotted hyenas and jackals co-exist with over 1500
elephants in the Mara Triangle. Here, you will find all the Big Five, and also
a great variety of wildlife from the smallest dikdik to the largest eland
species. If you couple this with the phenomenal Balloon Safaris in the Mara,
and the renowned Mara Culture, it is a real magnet for safaris of every stripe. Come
and see the Great Wildebeest migration and live to tell it to generations over.

National Park and Reserve

Elephants dominantly rule the
waterholes and salt licks. There are other animals which also come to drink water
such as lions and hyenas; they have to contend with elephants seeing them off
at great speed. Some animals such as Leopards are shy and mostly seen under the
night-time floodlight.
National Park
The park is famous for being the best
place in Africa to get close to free-ranging elephants. It is home to
around 1500 elephants in just 392 sq.
The park is famous for being the best
place in Africa to get close to free-ranging elephants. It is home to
around 1500 elephants in just 392 sq.
km. The best elephant stories have been told and retold here, beautifully captured
by lens, of bull elephants with Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background. If you have
that great passion for these memories, you would choose no other spot. 

The best elephant stories have been told and retold here, beautifully captured
by lens, of bull elephants with Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background. If you have
that great passion for these memories, you would choose no other spot.
7.Mt Elgon National Park
Mount Elgon is the eighth highest
mountain in Africa and has the largest base area of any free-
standing volcano in the world. The
elephants on the mountain are Savannah Elephants (Loxodonta africana africana),
not the forest elephants of West & Central Africa
The most frequently visited cave in Mt Elgon is called Kitum ('Place of Ceremonies' in Masai) and it stretches for 160m into the mountain.

The most frequently visited cave in Mt Elgon is called Kitum ('Place of Ceremonies' in Masai) and it stretches for 160m into the mountain.
As well as the extraordinary
elephants, Elgon is home to colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, leopard, giant
forest hog, bushbuck, eland, buffalo, duiker, and golden cat.
Meru National
The Park is most famous as the setting
for Joy Adamson's book "Born Free" -- the story of the Adamson's life
and research amongst lion and cheetah. "Elsa" the lioness was the
most well-known and her grave is marked here.
In the 1970's
the park boasted of more than three hundred Black Rhinos. By 1997,
this population had been reduced to zero. The plan right now is to re-introduce
about 30 Black Rhinos. After the 1989 massacre of the white Rhinos,
the lone survivor Mukora was re-located to Lake Nakuru. In
2002, seven White Rhinos, including Mukora were once more
re-introduced from Lake Nakuru National Park.
Meru National Park will go in conservation books as one of the largest big
mammal trans-location undertaken in human history. In total 66 Elephants
trans-located from Laikipia Private-Sweetwaters game sanctuary and Ol Pejeta
Other top elephant sites in Kenya
include and not limited to the vast Mau Forest Basin, Shimba Hills National
Park and Mwaluganje conservancy in the south coast and Arabuko Sokoke Forest in
north coast.
Let us all unite in concerted efforts
to conserve our elephants, by keeping our eyes to and hands off them. Kenya is
a great destination for wildlife tourism, and there cannot be tourism without
the leviathan jumbo. Remember, a live elephant is 76 times more worth than a
dead elephant"
Now hit the road, talk to us and we
shall make your dreams come true with our erudite guides who have mastered
these eco-systems and the jungle law verbatim, where life opens into reality.
To visit some of these magnificent spots you can book Our Best of Kenya Tour by clicking here.
To visit some of these magnificent spots you can book Our Best of Kenya Tour by clicking here.
any inquiries please contact
Stephen Mwasio is a Tourism Consultant and CEO
for Inclusive Holidays Africa – Twitter @inclusiveafrica
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